The Advantages of Studying University in Germany

There are significant advantages of receiving undergraduate, master’s and PhD education in Germany:

First of all, as education in German universities are above the world standards, education received in Germany means quality education. Therefore, diplomas obtained from German universities are globally accepted and equivalence problem does not ocur.

Majority of the world’s leading industrial and technology companies are located in Germany. Besides theoretical education, practical training is also offered at universities since universities have affiliation with business-industry world and social life. Thus, students gain experience and references while studying.

Receiving education in Germany means prestige in both business life and academic life and puts diploma holders ahead of their opponents. A candidate who has received education abroad is considered to be well-educated, no longer dependent on family, open to multiculturalism, man of the world, broad visioned, disciplined, self-confident and successful in professional life.

Most of the universities in Germany are free. Students are expected to pay tution fees under the name of contribution to education between 100 and 400 Euros per semester depending on the university and department.

Thanks to economic and social opportunities provided for students, the cost of studying in Germany is pretty low.

As there is not a central placement system regarding student admission, Universities act autonomously. In this case, the possibility of receiving education at the university and department they wish to study increases. Studying in the department they wish affects students’ academic success positively.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of departments whose language of instruction is English. Candidates who certify their English language proficiency with TOEFL or IELTS can enroll in departments offering education in English. When students receiving education in English graduate, they will be able to speak two languages since they also learn Germanin the meantime. Today, knowing three languages is a significant richness and competence.

Free foreign language courses like English, French, Spanish are offered in many universities. Thanks to these courses, students who are willing can learn a second/third language.

After undergraduate graduation, one can continue master’s education without having to take any exams.

Following graduation, students are given 1 year work and residence permit to enable them to find jobs. After starting working, this duration is extended to 2 years. At the end of the 2 years, residence permit duration is extended in accordance with the request of the institution they work for.

Germany offers various economic and social opportunities to students due to its understanding of social state and principle of equal opportunity. Furthermore, the history and social structure of the country makes Germany an attractive country for university candidates.