An introductory course on basic concepts of voltage, current flow and resistance leads to the analysis of series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. To provide an introduction to sophomores in the field of electrical engineering to the fundamental concepts in the sub-area of electrical circuits. This course will be one of five fundamentals courses required of all electrical engineering majors.

Requirement: Basic introduction to electrical engineering and electrical circuit concepts.

Course Structure

Circuit Analysis

Nodal and Mesh

Linearity and Superposition

Source Transformations

Review of Inductor and Capacitor as Circuit Elements

Source-free RL and RC Circuits

Transient Response


Forcing Forced Response, the RLC Circuit

Sinusoidal Forcing

Complex Forcing

Phasors and Complex Impedance

Sinusoidal Steady State Response

Average Power

Introduction to Polyphase Circuits

Mutual Inductance, Linear and Ideal Transformers, Circuits with Mutual Inductance

Frequency Response of Series/Parallel Resonances

High-Q Circuits

Complex Frequency

Two Port Networks

Hours 42
Duration 7 Days
Price 8400 €

Education fee is only for the groups not exceeding 10 people. Please contact us for more participants.
VAT is included

Talep Formu