Electric arc flash hazard is little understood and it can have very serious, and even catastrophic consequences for business and workers in many stuations. Our training course sets out to increase awareness and understanding of arc flash hazard among the various stakeholders in the workplace, and to enable all those with responsibility to discharge their legal duties and manage the risks relating to occupational health and safety, and the wider business.


Employers; engineering managers, technicians; electrical engineers, and H&S practitioners.

Course Structure

Arc flash hazard and risks

Arc flash survey

Arc flash and causes

Potential consequences in terms of H&S and the wider business

Standards and guides relevant to Arc Flash analysis

Prevention and control

Legal standing of published standards and guides

Electrical network modelling,

Calculation of prospective incident energy & arc flash boundary

Risk assessment

Equipment design

Effect of distance on incident energy)


Reduce likelihood of occurrence/ exposure through engineering controls and safe systems of work

Mitigation techniques

Personal protective clothing/equipment)

Information ( including equipment labelling and signage, and training)

Protection co-ordination

Prospective short circuit calculation

Power flow analysis

Reliability statistical analysis

Hours 12
Duration 2 Days
Price 2400 €

Education fee is only for the groups not exceeding 10 people. Please contact us for more participants.
VAT is included

Inquiry Form